Monday, March 5, 2018



Wecome to my third post on this series on goals. Today, I want to talk more about resistance that can come up when we set a goal.  And so many times, we are not even conscious of the many layers of resistance.   If we don’t work with our resistance, it will stop us from taking action.  But if we know what our resistance may be, we can be on the look out for it and work with it when it arises.

So today I am going to share six types of resistance that can come up when you set a goal. So, once again think about your income goal we set in the other video, and if you didn’t see it, I’ll give you a minute to set a monthly income goal—one that would easily cover all your expenses and bills and also allow you and extra $500-1000 to spend as you’d like and $500-1000 to put into savings each month.  And as I go through these six pieces of resistance, see if you recognize any of then in regards to this goal.    And I got this from my mentor, Margaret Lynch, and her fabulous book Tapping Into Wealth.

1.      The first one is what I addressed in the last video—the immediate belief about whether your goal is even remotely possible.   We have lots of protective parts that don’t want us to get hurt, and if they can’t see how we could reach our goal, they will step in to keep us from even getting started, saying things, like, “It’s impssible.”

2.      The second piece of resistance is immediately identifying someone or something outside our selves that we believe is in our way.    Maybe it’s a competitor, the nature of the market, the structure of the company you work for—for example, you’ve been promoted as far as seems possible in your company.  For me, it was a belief that people in my field just don’t make that much money (this was also programmed into me in grad school and trainings—it was a repeated joke that people don’t get into the helping field for the money). 

3.      The third piece of resistance is an immediate arising and experience of feelings and thoughts of a shortcoming you believe you have.  So something inside of you (or missing from you) that would hinder you from reaching your goal.  This can be really painful feelings and thoughts like, “I don’t have what it takes. I’m not smart enough. I’m not good enough.” 

4.      A fourth piece of resistance is your lack of time or energy that would make it difficult to imagine doing more.  Many of us are already spread so thin or just trying to keep our heads above water that a ton of resistance can come up when we think of doing anything bigger or even changing what we’re doing.   Another layer of this resistance is typically a belief that says, to make that much money it would have to be a struggle and I’d have to work that much longer harder, and I just don’t have it in me.

5.      A fifth piece of resistance when you think about a goal is having debt.  Just having a debt situation can overwhelm everything with a strong negative feeling and make you feel very hopeless.

6.      And finally, the last piece of resistance I want to mention is an immediate arising of, “I have no idea how to make that goal a reality.”  It can come from a doubtful, skeptical part of us.  And this resistance is actually common for high achieving, intelligent people, who like to figure things out before they even take the first step.  And they might say, “If I don’t’ know how to make this happen, then having his goal doesn’t even make sense.  And it will be shut down right there.”
 I don’t know about you, but I really resonate with these piece.  There were times years ago my husband would be inspired and wanting us to set goals, and he would throw out something that felt so outrageous to me and so impossible, and this skeptical part of me would get annoyed and think, how are we possibly going to do make that happen. Let’s live on the planet earth and think about something more realistic.  And now I see that that was coming from this skeptical place in me and really shutting me down to possibilities.  Because instead of coming up a plan and then setting the goal, if we set the goal first and then let the plan emerge, we were really expanding our possibilities and potential.  And this counterintuitive for a lot of us. For me it definitely was.

So those are 6 things I want you to be aware of that will show up and get in the way when you set a goal.  And if you really want to commit to your goals and make these big shifts, which is a journey and a process, I really encourage you to look out for these things and be willing to address them.  I mentioned tapping in my last post because it is such a powerful tool that can very quickly shift your resistance.  Just a couple of minutes of tapping can bring down these pieces of resistance as they appear.  And in my next post I’m going to give you another example of how you can use that to work with your resistance.

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